Chiropractic for Expectant Mothers

Chiropractic care is a very important, safe, and natural way for a woman to adjust to the changes her body will be going through for the next nine months.  The Webster Technique is used on expectant mothers to release the stress on a woman’s pelvis, the uterus, and surrounding ligaments enabling the body to relax and permitting the baby to turn naturally.  With regular adjustments, the body’s nerve interference will be reduced and a state of balance to the pelvis will create an environment for an easier, faster, and safer delivery. 

The benefits of regular adjustments for expectant women are:

  • mood improvement

  • controlling symptoms of nausea

  • reducing the time of labor and delivery

  • relieving back, neck, and joint pain

  • relieving constipation

  • preventing a potential cesarean delivery

  • breastfeeding benefits